Modern Aesthetics

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PRP, PRF, & PRFM: Hair Rejuvenation

Hair loss is a significant dermatologic and aesthetic concern. PRFM therapy emerges as a potential treatment to influence hair follicle physiology.

PRFM injections in areas of hair loss or thinning are thought to work through the following mechanisms:

1. Increased Growth Factors and Cytokines:

  • Activates hair follicles

  • Encourages progression into the anagen phase

  • Amplifies cellular metabolic activity

  • Fosters the proliferation of dermal papilla cells.

2. Enhanced Scalp Blood Supply:

  • Enhanced vascularization supports the follicular environment

  • Increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients

3. Improved Follicular Microenvironment:

  • Alters the local microenvironment of the hair follicles

  • Modulation of the extracellular matrix

  • Improved follicular anchoring

  • Potential for reduced hair shedding and denser hair growth

In clinical studies, an increase in hair density complemented with subjective assessments of hair quality and patient satisfaction was noted.

Additionally, concomitant medications or treatments for hair loss are also helpful, including Minoxidil (Rogaine), Finasteride (Propecia), and Spironolactone (Aldactone).