The Versatility of Dermal Fillers: Off-Label Options

Dermal fillers, also known as injectable implants, are approved by the FDA for use in adults over the age of 22 years for moderate to severe facial wrinkles and skin folds, the correction of contour deficiencies (i.e. wrinkles), and for cosmetic augmentation.

To recap from last week, on-label areas for treatment include:

  • Cheeks

  • Chin

  • Jawline

  • Lips and Perioral lines (lines around the mouth)

  • Nasolabial folds

  • Tear trough (sunken under eyes)

  • Hands

  • Temples

It is widely proven that hyaluronic acid fillers have proven to be safe when used by qualified and trained medical professionals. Dermal fillers are also used in areas outside of the approved areas listed above. The use of fillers in other areas is also known as “off-label” and is common in clinical practice.

Off-label does not refer to not having any FDA indication, but instead refers to using an FDA-approved filler for a purpose or area not specifically listed on the FDA label, but is common practice among qualified professionals. For example, nose filler is often offered in clinic practices, however, it is considered an off-label area.

Other areas that are commonly treated off-label:

  • Glabella (frown lines) and forehead

  • Nose

  • Earlobes

  • Neck and Décolleté

  • Aging Elbows and Knees

  • Hip Dips and Non-Surgical BBL

  • Vaginal and Penile Enhancements

Your aesthetic provider should be well-informed on filler rheology and properties. Knowledge of this subject allows us to achieve natural, transformative results by choosing the appropriate filler for your concerns while maintaining safety.


Dermal Fillers: What to Expect?


Dermal Fillers: On-Label Uses