Kybella: What is it and how does it work?

Kybella is specifically formulated to target fat deposits that create the “double chin”. This is achieved by injecting a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring bile enzyme in the gut, that assists in breaking down fat.

It is a cytolytic agent that causes lysis of the adipocytes - the permanent destruction of fat cells - in the treatment area under the chin when injected into subcutaneous fat.

Once injected, the deoxycholic acid binds to the fat cell walls, causing a disruption of cell membranes in the fat cells causing a targeted breakdown of adipose cells.

This results in an inflammatory reaction and the dissolved fat is cleared by macrophages and then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system over the next several weeks. The reduction in the fullness of the area results from the destruction of fat cells ultimately reducing the storage or “reserve” of fat cells.

Deoxycholic acid's actions are reduced by albumin and tissue-associated proteins, therefore its effect is limited to protein-poor subcutaneous fat tissue. Protein-rich tissues like muscle and skin are unaffected by deoxycholic acid, contributing to its safety profile.

Following subcutaneous injection, Kybella is rapidly absorbed into the plasma and enters the body’s bile acid pool in the enterohepatic circulation, where it is excreted along with endogenous deoxycholic acid. Post-treatment deoxycholic acid plasma levels return to the endogenous range within 24 hours. No accumulation is expected with the proposed treatment frequency (minimum 1-month intervals).

When injected into subcutaneous fat, it destroys our fat cells leading to cell death and over time, a decrease in fat storage in the targeted area. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the body’s natural immune system works behind the scenes to remove the unwanted fat cells.

Kybella is FDA-approved to treat the “double-chin” but has and can be used to treat other small pockets of unwanted fat on the body.

Treatments are quick (~15-20 minutes) and require no incisions, surgery, or anesthesia.


Kybella Injections: Target Fat with Deoxycholic Acid


Body Fat: The Good, the Bad, and the Treatable?