Cosmetic Uses of Neurotoxins

The cosmetic uses for neurotoxins include the correction of lines and wrinkles over the face and neck.  Areas that can be treated with neurotoxins are listed in detail below:

  • Forehead: Frontalis muscle – causes horizontal lines across the forehead without treatment.

  • Frown: Glabella and Procerus muscles – causes “11” lines between brows without treatment.

  • Crow’s Feet/Brow Lift/Jelly Roll: Orbicularis Oculi muscle – causes fanned wrinkles around eyes and lower brow height without treatment.

  • Bunny Lines: Transverse nasal muscle – causes “V or W” shaped lines above the nose without treatment.

  • Smoker’s Lines/Lip Flip: Perioral muscles – causes vertical lip lines around the lips/mouth and inverts lips into the mouth without treatment.

  • Resting “Sad” Face: Depressor anguli oris muscles – causes downturn of corners of the mouth, giving a sad appearance without treatment.

  • Nose Lift: depressor nasii septi – causes downward pull of the nasal tip without treatment.

  • Gummy Smile: Levator labii superioris – causes elevation of upper lip causing gummy smile without treatment.

  • Chin Dimpling: Mentalis muscle – causes an orange-peel appearance on the chin without treatment.

  • Nefertiti Neck Lift: Platysma band muscles – causes down pull of lower half of face and vertical protrusion of bands in the neck without treatment. Improved jawline contour with treatment.

  • Facial Slimming: Masseter muscles – causes facial slimming in the posterior jawline.

Who knew toxins had so many uses in the face and neck?

If any of these areas are of concern to you, be sure to ask your qualified aesthetic professional for more details.


Medical Uses of Neurotoxins


Botulinum Toxin Type A: Brands