Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day

When you hear the term “self-care” or self-love” what comes to mind? Do you think in terms of fulfillment and growth? Or do you think in terms of vanity and arrogance?

Self-love encompasses your thoughts and feelings about yourself and how you treat or take care of yourself. When you love yourself, you accept yourself fully, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and nurture your growth and well-being. You generally have a positive view of yourself though you may not feel positive all the time. It is okay to temporarily feel upset, angry, or disappointed with yourself and still love yourself.

Self-love is the foundation that allows us to be assertive, set boundaries, and create healthy relationships with others. We can practice self-care without guilt, pursue our interests and goals, and feel proud of who we are. Practicing self-love allows us to be less critical of ourselves and fall into people-pleasing behaviors.

Self-love looks different for all of us. Some of us exercise or go to yoga, some of us get regular massages, some of us go shopping, and some of us have “alone time” carved out in our schedule so that we can decompress. Whatever you need for yourself to meet your needs – treat yo-self!

What Does Self-Love Look Like?

  • Saying positive things about yourself and value your feelings

  • Forgiving yourself for mistakes and recognizing your strengths

  • Meeting your needs (Take a nap, listen to music, watch TV, listen to a Podcast, take a relaxing bath)

  • Setting healthy boundaries (work/life balance, toxic workplace, toxic family)

  • Prioritizing your health and well-being (preventative health, exercise, meditation, diet)

  • Avoid people who don’t charge you (watch out for energy vampires)

  • Asking for help

  • Live by your values

  • Pursue interests and goals (Read a book, go to a concert/event, try something new, volunteer, travel)

  • Noticing your progress and effort

  • Buying something for yourself

 I implore you to close your eyes and think about what you would like to do for yourself.

How do you talk about yourself? How do you feel about yourself? And how can you be kinder to yourself?


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